Top 10 Binary Translator Tools

Usually, people don’t pay attention to Binary numbers, but do you know that the text you write on any digital device has its reflective binary number?

Yes, it has.

Everything in this world has a native language and the mother language of any digital device is binary language such as Mobile, Computer, Tablet, etc.

It consists of a sequence of 0s and 1s to reflect any character.

When a person writes down any sort of text first the digital device converts those text into binary numbers and then interprets it in different forms.

Hence, it’s important to know the binary system.

In this article, we will be discussing the binary system and the best ways to translate it.

Before diving into the best ways, we need to understand the basic concept of the binary number.

Usage of a binary number?

Digital devices transport, calculate and translate binary numbers because they only have 2 electrical states, on or off.

Any letter or character of the alphabet or number is first converted into a binary sequence like the alphabet “A” is converted into 01000001.

Then only the digital device perceives the concept of any character and works accordingly.

Due to the simplicity of the binary number system, it’s implemented on digital circuitry.

Best way to translate binary numbers

Whether it’s you who want to convert the alphabet A into a binary sequence or any digital device it requires a translator.

Most of the translators follow the ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).

In this ASCII every character or number and symbols are assigned a number between 1-255.

  1. First, you will need to grab the unique ASCII number for any letter

  2. The second step is to create a unique eight-character binary number, a combo of 0s and 1s to represent the ASCII number

  3. Write down the binary conversion into the translator input box and convert it to get the desired result.

Below are the top 10 binary translator tools that are widely used by users across the digital world for binary-to-text conversions.

Top 10 Binary Translator Tools

  1. Binary to ASCII Converter tool of Calculatorology:

It’s one of the most popular binary translator tools used by experts and students of electrical background.


  1. Code Beautify

Code beautify is one of the existing online brands helping users to code or program efficiently.

Similarly, it has a useful binary-to-text translator tool.


  1. Certiology Binary Translator

One of the leading binary conversion translators, allows students and experts to convert their complex binary strings into simple text.


  1. Browserling

Another great tool to convert your simple binary strings into text.


  1. Smallseotools

A leading online tools developer site has yet again launched a new binary to text conversion tool.


  1. Convertbinary

It’s one of the most reliable binary conversion tools used by students and electrical professionals.


  1. Dupli checker

Another popular binary conversion tool that converts any binary string into simple text.


  1. Binaryhex converter

One of the leading binary conversion tool used by many experts


  1. Online-toolz

A popular online tool for converting complex binary strings into simple texts.


  1. MadeInText

It’s another great tool for converting any type of binary strings into simple texts.


  1. Myedukit

One of the popular binary converter tools used by thousands of students due to its high efficiency.
